Shortly before the beginning of the summer holiday 2014 we went on a journey around the classrooms of several usual/unusual schools in Sofia, together with the camera of Teodora Urdeva. We created this exhibition of photographic artifacts, architecture graphics and models, looking at the process of growing up and children’s development- topics presented to us in our talks with the teachers who create these environments for growth. As architects, we tried to read the messages “locked” in their classrooms.
So where do urban children grow up? How is exactly “happening” the educational process in the space of 72 sq. m? And what is left on your mind long after the chalk and the black board are not anymore there? These questions are set by ТЕБ.Е.ШИР Exhibition and established a meeting point for architects and educators, teachers and students, and everyone who ever thought about the actual meaning of the word “education”.
The first stop of the exhibition is Credo Bonum Gallery in Sofia, Benkovski Street No 2, 12.02- 08.03.2015.
17.02 – Nikola Nikolov, Presentation of the diploma project– Project for a democratic school in Sofia – Station Pioner area.
07.03 – First meeting and discussion about the educational environment.
Future events:
ТЕБ.Е.ШИР at The Serendipity Centre, Sofia, Tsar Boris 3 Blvd., 99-101 – 30.03-22.04.2015.
15.04 – Second meeting and discussion about the educational environment
ТЕБ.Е.ШИР and the conference “Education For The Future” – 07.04.2015.
For the hospitality and the shared knowledge we would like to thank to the first group of teachers who participated in the project:
Vanq Mitinska, 102 N. I. Vapcarov, Sofia; Elica Kostova, Ralitsa Tareva, Jessica Martin, English-American School, Pancharevo; Galq Kopcheva and Gergana Raijekova, EASY WAY Centre for suggestopedia; Elena Anastasova and Maria Dimitrova, TOGETHER Foundation; Magdalina Ryjeva, Architecture for children workshop; Kaloqn Velichkov, Teach me; Stanka Jeleva, EasyART Foundation.
The exhibition was realized with the financial support of “America For Bulgaria” Foundation. Teodora Urdeva is a free lance photographer and a mother, who cares about the good practices in the educational process and teaching methodologies which are closer to the student. Viktoria Paeva drew everything heard in front of the camera.