SCAN is a short for SCAN PLACES IN NEED.
SCANis a project for urban regeneration which seeks urban places in need in the municipal region of Poduene.
SCAN is developed and realised by Div Roshkov Association” in partnership with Transformatori Association , FORA and Građanske Inicijative Association.

As a result of the thorough research of the Poduene municipal region, a number of workshops, forums and conferences (see the whole process at, the “Ivan Vazov” community centre was chosen as the place most in need. The research was followed by the development of an architectural project for the regeneration of the public spaces adjacent to the community center, which was granted to the regional municipality and the community centre management team. A part of the project was executed within a weekend long workshop with inhabitants of the area and local students – 5 benches, 2 rocking benches (now at disposal of social centre “Knyaz Boris I”), 85 sq. m. of graffiti drawn and lighted facade with the help of 140 Ideas.aerosol_adaptation06DSC_1597DSC_1590IMAG0793