Parcul Albastro is an open urban space for educational and recreational activities for the Roma community in Fabric district, Timisouara. The project was developed during StudentFest Timisoara 2015 together with the local NGO In Comunitate.

The workshop took 7 days – 2 designing and 5 constructing, along with 10 students in architecture, design, informatics and many volunteers from and outside the local community. We revitalized an abandoned urban area in a Roma neighborhood, part of the historical area in the city.

We focused on the functions of implied in the park, its smartly detailed structure and the importance of teamwork during such an intensive process. The structure was entirely constructed by timber, using a wide range of different joints. It had no foundations, as it was temporary. The park as a facility, was a place for educational activities, recreation and managed to liven up the abandoned area. We succeeded to make a good example for resilient urban intervention thanks to the unconditional help of our volunteers, students and the local community – both kids and parents. Thanks to all!

The process…

Квартала Фабрик, мястото, общността.

The Fabric neighbourhood, the site, the community.

Мястото - триъгълника на "Константин Негруци".

The site – the triangle of “Costache Negrucci”.

Първи оглед, няколко часа след пристигане в Тимишоара.

First visit to the site – a couple of hours after arrival in Timisoara.

Работната ни площадка.

Our working site.

Масата за скици, схеми и организация на работа.

The table for brainstorming, schemes and self-organization.

Работния процес.

The workflowс.

Трасиране и изкопаване на легла за основните греди.

Tracing and digging the beds for the base beams.

Готовите трасета, започваме разкрой и рязане на конструктивните елементи.

After the tracing we begin cutting the structural elements.

Много рязане имаше, но и голям екип с още повече доброволци от квартала.

It was a lot of cutting, but we had a great team and really hardworking volunteers.

Ползвахме традиционни иструменти и техники.

We used traditional techniques and tools.

Учехме децата как да работят с дърво.

We thought the kids how to work with wood.

Тестово дигане на рамковата конструкция.

Test assembly of the frame structure.

Обработване на основните закопани греди с битум.

The base beams were covered with a layer of bitumen .

3-ти ден: работим на фарове.

3rd day: we work on artifical light.

Завършихме рамковата структура по тъмно.

We finished the frame structure at dark.

На сутринта укрепвахме, докато пием кафе.

Stabilizing the structure while having morning coffee.

Участниците бяха основно студенти - чертахме много на ръка и разяснявахме много сглобки и детайли.

The participants were mainly students – we did a lot of hand drawing and detailing on site.

Кроеж на суровия материал за бъдещото външно обзавеждане.

Cutting the wooden sections for the future urban furniture.

Първото място за сядане добива вид.

The first seating spot is already shaping up.

Мацките от екипа на In Comunitate приложиха своите шивашки умения.

The ladies from In Comunitate put their sewing skills in practice.

Децата направиха табелата само с надзорник.

The sign was made by the kids.

Музикалния инструмент в парка.

The musical instrument in the park.

Вече всичко изглежда завършено - прилагаме дърводелска сглобка и в укрепващите диагонали.

Everything is almost finished – we’re applying the joint detail at the braces.

Parcul Albastro lived for half an year – after the expiration of its placement permission, it was disassembled and its parts given away. A couple of families from the community used it as hard fuel to warm up their homes during the winter of 2015.