CONCERT WITH MONUMENT – A musical experiment at the monument “Kambanite” and accompanying workshops for children
Date: 10/12/2013
Location: Park complex “Banner of Peace”
Why : The one-day event for children and parents was conducted to enliven and give a new meaning to a monument loaded with negative connotations of the past and almost forgotten by society.
How: The planned temporary transformation of the space through direct event was aimed at children as a alternative continuation of the Assembly ” Banner of Peace” . The music of the bells and their unique interactivity are what sets them apart as a one-of-a-kind place in the world and was highlighted by the musical event. The concert, the various children’s workshops , movie screening, the games, and the monument itself , provided a unique experience to the many guests who came in the late autumn day.
Future: the expected outcome of the initiative is to direct the public attention to the monument , restore the active use of the monument for different purposes and thus help to preserve a valuable Bulgarian heritage.
Detailed program – workshops:
– Workshop for children 3 to 5 years – Picture by sound – the presentation of sounds of different percussion instruments and composition of rhythm
– Music workshop “Vladiguerov” for children 6 to 8 years with Elitsa Tkachova – making music with 4 pianos
– Workshop “Painting over the bells of clay” – Social and youth center “St. Constantine” provides hand made ceramic bells to be painted with acrylic paint
– “Journey with the Bells” – a geography and architecture game for children 6 to 12 years-„Transformatori“
Jazz Suite on motifs from the work of Pancho Vladigerov, prof.Stoqn Pavlov and children’s songs, children and parents in the audience will have the opportunity to engage with percussive eggs and batons.
Martin Ivanov, Institute Libera, a range of 30 drums for children and parents
“Venci Blagoev bell jazztet” with the special participation of Alexander Tsvetkov and Good Paliev – musical bells in the tower, Annie Giteva and Nevena Grigorova – bells, along with children from the Percussion chamber of the Military Club in Sofia
– Presentation of the movie “Tinklers and Bells”, a film by Svetlana Avdala – BNT, The film depicts the symbol of the bell, and the process of making a bell, some of the shots were filmed at the Monument.
Organizer – Association “Transformatori”. With the support of the “Spiritual Heritage of Pancho Vladiguerov ” Center “Rabotilnicata” Libera Institute, the National School of Culture, School for Ancient Languages and Cultures and Social Center “St. Constantine “and the support of Sofia Municipality and Project Atrium by NIICH.