In the beginning of July, Transformatori took part in the Mobile Station (MoTo) competition held by the Varna municipality to support the application of the city for a European Capital of Culture 2019 (“Varna 2019”). The prototype that we developed – MO-MOTO, is a mobile station consisting of modular elements, which can be combined in various ways to form spaces serving different social functions.
As demonstrated by the images below due to its modular system, MO-MOTO is extremely flexible. It could transform into a more formal presentation, lecture and projection space, it could serve as an informal amphitheatre housing different performances and discussions, or it could be split up into exhibition pavilions or smaller units housing workshops or seminars. In its essence, the project proposes a new way of thinking about the city environment and promotes flexibility in the outdoor furniture to match the fast pace of modern life and the quickly changing needs of the urban dwellers.
The proposal by Transformatori was awarded 3rd place by the jury. Follow the link for more information on the winning entry and all the other projects.